My Finished Edit; Cocorosie - By Your Side

Tuesday 15 November 2011

24. Risk Assessment

Filming can be slightly hazardous and dangerous so in order to make sure that when I film it is a safe environment for both the actors and the director have produced a risk assessment.


When filming on the road the camera has to be placed at the side of the road and the protagonist must walk across the road. This poses possible dangers.

When filming the paper butterfly burn there is a risk of starting a bigger fire or burning someone, but it is in a controlled environment so does not pose so large a danger.

Due to the cold and icy weather in November and December when we film there is a high risk of people falling and slipping.


Risk assessment

 How severe could the harm be? A
1 - slight, little injury
2 - serious, more than 3 days off
3 - major, death or major injury
How likely is an accident? B

1 - low, unlikely
2 - medium, likely
3 - high, certain or very likely

Risk Rating (A x B)

1-2 - OK
3-4 - review
6-9 - stop

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