To find out what subculture my audience member belongs in I went on the website , a website which can calculate a persons subculture by their tastes and interests and did their questionnaire in the mindset of someone who would listen to this sort of music and is interested in this music genre to discover what sort of person my audience member is. For example when asked for what I do on a night out I answered go to a gig and when asked from a list to choose my favourite musician I chose Jack White as the rest where too mainstream and his music was the closest to Freakfolk I could get.
UK Tribes is a website created which has been created due to large amounts of research into youth culture which is why I believe it to be a reliable source of information.
You are a Craft Kid! You can’t remember the last time you bought a new piece of clothing – you’d much rather knit for six years than buy a jumper off the peg. It’s so much better for the environment and you like something unique. Hence your love of vintage – tea sets, floral dresses, aprons and matinee idols are your interests. Young fogey style is here again.
After receiving this result i looked deeper into this sub genre to discover more about my audience.
Craft Kids often care alot about the environment and the world around them. They like to make do and make mend; re-using things to make new things. They can often be related to Hippies in this sense. They will make alot of their own clothes and often make an effort to re-cycle. Lots of Craft Kids will also be vegetarians as this ties in with their love for the environment.
As they enjoy being creative they will not always follow the crowd. Instead of doing things like going to the cinema they might have a picnic or come up with their own ideas rather than just follow the trends. Yet they never go out to be outrageous for the sake of it. They are the way they are because its how they like to be.
This is an example of the sort of music they would listen to;
Although I feel my video is available to both genders I feel that due to the presence of a female protagonist and the lighthearted theme and narrative it may appeal more to a female audience.
Alternative music such as freak folk tends to appeal to a younger audience of 30's and under. Due to the nature of my song; It has a strong beat and controversial themes, I believe this will also appeal to younger audiences yet young teens are more commonly into pop culture which is why I set my target age rage at 15-30.
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